TORONTO, November 29, 2021:
The Association of Power Producers of Ontario (APPrO) today announced that the winner of the 2021 Hedley Palmer Award is Matt Jamieson, the President and CEO of Six Nations of The Grand River Development Corporation (SNGRDC). The announcement was made at APPrO’s annual conference, “The Electric Future.”
Mr. Jamieson is the founder of SNGRDC, a leading First Nation economic development corporation, and was the principal architect of its corporate governance model, which has become an example emulated by others working on Indigenous led energy development.
Under his guidance and direction, SNGRDC has deployed more than $50 million of direct equity and participated in the construction of $2.25 billion worth of infrastructure assets in Ontario, all while continuing to hold the values of his community as the top priority when participating in corporate partnerships and taking on new projects.
“I see Matt Jamieson as an extraordinary leader in the Indigenous Energy space and one who is willing to share his learnings and experience across the globe. His willingness to share his knowledge and experience is incredibly important and a demonstration of true leadership,” said Tabatha Bull, President and CEO of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, who advised the Selection Committee for the award.
“Matt Jamieson’s record of achievement makes him a very worthy winner of the Hedley Palmer Award,” said Colin Anderson, President and CEO of APPrO.
The Hedley Palmer Award is generally recognized as the highest honor in the Canadian power industry. It is given by APPrO each year to an individual who has been exemplary in their contribution to the development of the power generation industry.
2021 marks the first time that APPrO has asked the award winner to name a charity that he or she supports and to call upon conference goes to consider donations. Matt Jamieson chose “Save the Evidence”, a campaign to raise awareness and support for the restoration of the former Mohawk Institute Residential School, and to develop the building into an Interpreted Historic Site and Educational Resource. For more information on the campaign: Woodland Cultural Centre-the campaign.
APPrO is a non-profit trade organization representing Ontario's independent power producers and related businesses. Its membership is made up of more than 100 companies involved in the generation of electricity in Ontario, including generators and suppliers of equipment as well as legal and consulting services. APPrO's generator members produce most of Ontario's electricity, relying on clean and renewable sources including co-generation, hydro-electric, gas, nuclear, wind energy, waste wood, and solar.
For further information contact:
Colin Anderson, President
Association of Power Producers of Ontario (APPrO)
PO Box 756, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2K1 Canada
tel: (416) 322-6549 or (647) 444-6549
fax: (416) 481-5785
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